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Ask An Expert; Business Series

Welcome to Ask an Expert Business Series with Misty Lambrecht, the owner of Webfoot Marketing and Design, sharing valuable insights based on her extensive 15 years of experience in business startups and advising in Lincoln County.The Role of Storytelling in Small Business Marketing. Storytelling is not just a technique. The ability to weave a narrative that resonates with the target audience has the potential to transform a small business into a brand that people genuinely care about. By understanding the psychology behind why we buy into small business stories, entrepreneurs can harness the true power of storytelling to build lasting connections and propel their businesses forward.

I have bought into many stories of businesses that have resulted in my loyalty as a customer. From the struggle of a small business owner that overcomes, to the crafty message that creates memorable name recognition, heartwarming success stories, tales of resilience, or

humorous anecdotes, emotions play a pivotal role in customer behavior. Those memorable moments that gave me the feeling of nostalgia have connected me on a personal level with brands and owners.

Customers love to share stories. The sharing of experiences and memories of a place or product by a customer can be a powerful marketing tool. Satisfied customers are not only likely to return but also to share their positive experiences with friends, family, and social

circles. They tend to buy products they love as gifts, take friends and families to favor locations, and make referrals of brands they love. This organic amplification is a powerful and cost-effective way for small businesses to expand their reach.

In the world of small business marketing, storytelling is not just a technique; it's a strategic imperative. The ability to weave a narrative that resonates with the target audience has the potential to transform a small business into a brand that people genuinely care about. By understanding the psychology behind why we buy into small business stories, entrepreneurs can harness the true power of storytelling to build lasting connections and propel their businesses toward sustained success. Consider sharing your story of hardship, growth, humorous yet tasteful lesson learned and startup challenges to enhance the relationships with customers and build brand loyalty.

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