Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management Division is asking for additional help to provide cloth masks to our local vulnerable populations. The donated cloth masks will be collected and then redistributed to our vulnerable populations through partners and organizations working with high-risk populations.
Through this donation drive, the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office - Emergency Management Division, aims to gather at least 5,000 (about 10% of Lincoln County’s population) cloth face masks. Approximately 900 cloth masks have been collected so far with 400 of them distributed to local first responders, healthcare workers and essential care workers.
Vulnerable populations include but are not limited to seniors, those living in congregate settings like group homes, persons with disabilities, minority populations, those receiving social services through an agency, or houseless persons. Organizations interested in distributing cloth masks to vulnerable and high-risk residents should contact the Lincoln County Call center for more information at or 541-265-0621.
If you are donating cloth masks, please fill out the form located on the county website and bring it with you to a donation site. You will receive a “donation receipt” for your items. If you do not have the ability to print from home, there will be blank copies at the donation sites.
Drop Off Locations:
North County – Lincoln City
North Lincoln Fire and Rescue, Bob Everest Station, 2525 NW Hwy 101, Lincoln City
Drop-off times: 9:00am-3pm, M-F
Central County – Newport
Newport Fire Department, 245 NW 10th Street, Newport
Drop-off times: 9:00am-3pm, M-F
East County – Toledo
Toledo Fire Department, 285 NE Burgess Road, Toledo
Drop-off times: 9:00am-3pm, M-F
South County – Waldport and Yachats
Central Oregon Coast Fire and Rescue, 145 NE Alsea Hwy., Waldport
Drop-off times: 9:00am-3pm, M-F
Donation Form and Website Information Page:
This is a very significant way community members can support our community during this time. When Lincoln County begins to reopen, community members will still need to use physical distance predictions, wearing of face coverings in public, and continue to follow good hygiene practice such as washing hands for 20 seconds.
For More Information:
Contact the Lincoln County Call Center for more information at or 541-265-0621.