- 12/22/18

On December 22, 2018, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office Marine Deputies were dispatched to an overturned drift boat in the Siletz River. The complainant was a passenger in the boat and advised his friend, the boat operator, continued downstream alongside the overturned boat.
The caller advised he was on the riverbank somewhere between Hehe Illahee boat ramp and Mill Park boat ramp, but had lost contact with the operator and boat.
Marine Deputies, assisted by patrol deputies, responded with a power boat and Lincoln County Search and Rescue was placed on standby.
Prior to deputies arrival, Siletz Valley Fire Department made contact with the caller in a field at the end of Wade Road in Siletz Deputies launched a power boat at Mill Park and started searching up river for the missing boater. Deputies located the 60 year old boat operator and drift boat approximately three quarters of a mile up river from the Wade Road green bridge on Hwy 229.
Deputies transported the boat operator back to Mill Park boat ramp where medical staff evaluated him. Deputies returned to the scene and were able to recover the drift boat, towing it back to Mill Park. Deputies transported the boat operator back to Mill Park boat ramp where medical staff evaluated him.
Deputies returned to the scene and were able to recover the drift boat, towing it back to Mill Park. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office thanks Siletz Valley Fire and Rescue and Lincoln County Search and Rescue for their part in the rescue.