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Writer's pictureKiera Morgan

Event Cancellations Due To Coronavirus

On March 12, 2020, Oregon Governor, Kate Brown, issued Executive Order No. 20- 05 prohibiting large gatherings due to coronavirus (COVID-19). The order prohibits large social, spiritual, and recreational gatherings of 250 people or more across the state. Governor Brown has ordered the implementation of social distancing measures recommending the cancellation of events hosting more than 10 persons in high risk populations. High risk populations include older adults and those with underlying health conditions, as well as individuals without stable housing.

The City of Newport is following Governor Brown’s direction and Oregon Health Authority guidance. Some of the actions the city is taking include: ● Immediate closure of the 60+ Activity Center for 30 days or until further notice. ● All non-essential meetings in city buildings are canceled for 30 days or until further notice. ● All Library outreach and programs are canceled for 30 days or until further notice (the Library is open to the public at this time). ● Some recreational programs will be canceled – please check with the Recreation Center at 541.265.7783. ● The Recreation and Aquatic Centers will remain open at this time. The situation is fluid and subject to change. The City of Newport staff will be reviewing the situation on a regular basis and updates will be provided. Questions may be directed to Peggy Hawker @ p.hawker@newportoregon.gov.

The Lincoln County school district announced the suspension of non-essential school-based activities begins immediately, effective today, March 12, and will remain in effect until April 8, 2020. This includes the suspension of all school-based assemblies and events, such as plays, concerts, family nights, off-campus field trips, and district-wide professional development meetings and events. With regard to athletics, our district will follow OSAA state guidelines.

Chandler Davis announced that this Saturday’s scheduled March 14 regular monthly drum circle in the enclosed gazebo at Don and Ann Davis Park, across from the Newport Performing Arts Center due to the uncertainty surrounding the rapidly escalating Coronavirus outbreak. I’m hoping there will be more information and better data next month on which to base a prudent decision about whether to proceed with the April drum circle on Saturday April 11.

After the governor's declaration it was clear that the Lincoln City Cultural Center's spring break festival was not in line with public health guidelines. All Festival of Illusions events are cancelled, but Niki Price director of the cultural center said she is working on re-booking the magicians for a future date. If you have questions please call 541-994-9994.

We will continue to pass along cancellations as they become available.

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