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Halibut Season Update

Spring All-Depth season— through the July 4-6 opener the total landings are 88,354 pounds (21,147 pounds landed during the last opening).  This leaves 82,749 pounds or 48% of the spring all-depth quota remaining.  The last set of open dates are July 18-20, any quota remaining after those days will be transferred to the summer all-depth or nearshore fishery.

The weather last opening was the best since the first opening.  Coast wide the average size was 27 pounds round weight last week, the highest for any opening so far this year. 

Summer All-Depth Season—opens August 2-3, if quota remaining, can be open every other Friday and Saturday.  Quota = 67,898 lbs.

Nearshore Season— opened June 1, seven days per week.  There has been 5,419 pounds landed so far, leaving 27,172 pounds (83.4%) of the quota remaining.  Average weight last week was approximately 40 pounds round weight, this is the highest weekly avg weight for any area or fishery so far in 2019.   Reminder that on days when the all-depth fishery is also open, such as July 18-20, the all-depth fishery regulations apply, regardless of what depth is fished.  This means that most bottom fish species may not be retained when halibut are on board the vessel.

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