Twenty public safety leaders from Oregon successfully completed the International Public Safety Leadership and Ethics Institute program (IPSLEI) on June 27, 2019 at the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) in Salem.
The IPSLEI program consists of four modules designed to lead the student on a learning journey about exercising leadership. Through a variety of learning methodologies, the leadership development course covers written case studies, video case analysis, and interactive learning processes. Each module is more than 40 hours of facilitated learning and eight hours of practicum. The class met two days every other week over the last four months.
The four program modules are: Developing a Personal Philosophy of Leadership and Ethics, Leadership, Organizational Leadership, and Ethics and the Challenge of Leadership.
IPSLEI was developed to bring the concepts of leadership and ethics to the forefront of an individual’s career, rather than waiting until a person is promoted into a supervisory position.
The program is based on the belief that one need not be a supervisor or manager to understand leadership principles and contribute to the leadership process. A cornerstone of the program is that effective leadership skills and influences are needed at all levels of the organization and graduates of the program will become the future leaders of public safety entities in Oregon.
DPSST's Director Eriks Gabliks said "DPSST offers this class on an on-going basis to help develop current, and future, public safety leaders in Oregon. With more than a thousand officers planning to retire in the next three years we need to recruit new officers to fill entry-level positions and develop current officers, and our future leaders, who will be filling command positions being vacated by seasoned personnel retiring from leadership postions. Those interested in current law enforcement openings in Oregon should go to OregonPoliceJobs.com to see agencies looking for men and women looking to serve their communities. This was a great class ready to serve their co-workers, agencies, and communities."
Class Graduates Include:
Altabef, Colleen - Woodburn Police Department
Berrios, Kaylynn - Washington Co. Community Corrections
Burton, Lucas - DOC – Santiam Correctional Institution
Delugach, Timothy - Lincoln City Police Department
Ferraris, Vincent - Portland Police Bureau
Halvorson, Sara - Lane Co. Sheriff’s Office
Hinckley, Michael - Corvallis Police Department
Juhnke, Adam - Bend Police Department
Landolt, Mike - Bend Police Department
LeGore, Ryan - DOC – Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution
Lelek, Nathan - Washington Co. Community Corrections
McConkey, Juli - Bend Police Department
Moss, Terry - DPSST
Niiya, Jeff - Portland Police Bureau
Phelps, Tyler - DOC – Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution
Rexford, Annie - DPSST
Robb, Patti - Lincoln Co. Juvenile Department
Tooley, Toby - DOC – Oregon State Penitentiary
Whitely, Tyler - Washington Co. Sheriff’s Office
Zohner, Chris - Oregon State Police