Travelers should expect flagging and delays up to 20 minutes on U.S. 101 north of Newport this week between mileposts 133 and 136. The road is being repaved to repair damage from slide movement during recent storms. Paving is scheduled: Tuesday, Jan. 24 through Thursday, Jan. 26, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Schedules may change due to weather.
This section of U.S. 101 often experiences slide movement that damages the road. There are four large, historical landslides between mileposts 133 and 136. In between the landslides is the eroding Beverly Beach Seacliff. This environment creates potholes, cracks and edges that need frequent repair through grinding, paving or both to ensure safe travel.
Work recently began on the Moolack Project along NE 89th Court and NE Avery Street, one of several projects to make the area more stable by improving drainage. This project won't stop movement, but should slow it down. Where traffic is routed through or around a work zone, pedestrians, including those with disabilities, will also be provided routes through or around the work zone. Design & Construction costs for the Moolack project is estimated at $2,682,100.
