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Chinook Quota Increased On South Coast

NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, the Pacific Fishery Management Council, and fishery representatives has taken the following in-season action in the commercial troll salmon fishery in the area from Humbug Mt. to the Oregon/California Border:


The July Chinook salmon quota for the area from Humbug Mt. to the OR/CA Border is increased by 1,995 Chinook to a revised quota of 4,495 ChinookThe weekly landing and possession limit in the area from Humbug Mt. to the OR/CA Border is increased to 125 Chinook per vessel per landing week (Thursday-Wednesday) beginning 12:01 AM July 4, 2019

RATIONALE:  Estimated June landings totaled 71 Chinook out of the quota of 3,200 Chinook, leaving 3,129 Chinook on the quota.

When the remaining Chinook from the June quota were rolled forward to July on an impact neutral basis for all management stocks, it resulted in a net increase in the transferred quota at a rate of approximately 0.64 July equivalents for each June fish being transferred, and resulted in a net increase of 1,995 Chinook available to the July quota. The weekly landing limit per vessel will be increased from 50 Chinook per landing week (Thursday through Wednesday) to 125 Chinook beginning July 4 in order to provide a better opportunity for the troll fishery to access their allocation.  The revised landing limit will remain in effect for the remainder of the 2019 season unless adjusted by future management action.

Participating vessels are reminded of the mandatory reporting of landings within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing. Reports may be made by phone to (541)867-0300 ext. 252 or by email to kmzor.trollreport@state.or.us. Report should include the vessel name and documentation number, the number of salmon being by species, the port of landing, the name of the fish buyer to whom the fish are being sold, and the estimated time of delivery.

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