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Lincoln City Council Looks At Cascade Head Urban Renewal Plan

An urban renewal feasibility study was completed for the Roads End / Villages at Cascade Head area in 2019 which indicated that urban renewal would be able to help provide funding to assist in improving the infrastructure in this area. For more information about Urban Renewal and tax increment financing, please refer to the Urban Renewal 101 attachment. The Draft Boundary Map includes 2 boundaries, A & B. If the urban renewal plan is adopted, Boundary A will be the initial urban renewal area. Boundary B shows where the urban renewal area could be expanded to over 15 - 20 years.

An Advisory Committee has been convened to help guide the preparation of an urban renewal plan for Roads End/Villages at Cascade Head. In addition to their advice, there will be two Open Houses to help gather public input on the proposed urban renewal plan. This plan will establish an urban renewal boundary, goals and objectives for the area, and will outline projects and programs that will help to improve the conditions in the area. The urban renewal plan must be adopted by City Council.

Upcoming public input meetings:

January 7th: RE/V Advisory Committee Meeting City Hall, Northwest Conference Room; 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

January 7th: Community Open House #1 Aces Bar & Grill Banquet Room; 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

February 18th: RE/V Advisory Committee Meeting City Hall, Northwest Conference Room; 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

February 18th: Community Open House #2 Location TBD; 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

For more information or to provide input, please contact: Alison Robertson: ARobertson@LincolnCity.org Jodi Mescher: JMescher@LincolnCity.org

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