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Marbled Murrelet Bird Watching Opportunities

Marbled Murrelt

Enjoy an overnight trip to spectacular Cape Perpetua and get a rare opportunity to see the endangered bird the Marbled Murrelet in both its old-growth forest nesting grounds or in nearshore waters. Surveys will be led by OSU Marbled Murrelet expert Kim Nelson and Paul Engelmeyer of Portland Audubon & manager of Audubon’s Ten Mile Creek Sanctuary. This project helps keep track of murrelet use of Oregon’s central coast habitats while also building support to continue the decades-long fight for this imperiled species’ survival.

These overnight trips include presentations on ecology at the Yachats Commons and early morning surveys in both forest and nearshore sites. Survey data contributes to understanding of Marbled Murrelet (MAMU) use of Oregon's Central Coast habitats, while community involvement in surveying builds support for this imperiled species' survival.

Next dates are July 29-30 Where: Cape Perpetua area Schedule: Day 1: Ecology talk at 6:30pm at the Yachats Commons (1555 Hwy 101, Yachats). Survey site maps distributed. Day 2: Morning survey at forest sites – starting before sunrise and ending 2hrs later. Nearshore surveys begin at 9am. How to prepare: Bring binoculars. Some sites do not require hiking while others require a more adventurous hike before dawn. Places to stay:

Camping is available at numerous campgrounds in the area: http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/siuslaw/recreation/tripp lanning/newpflor/index.shtml http://oregonstateparks.org/index.cfm?do=reser ve.dsp_cabinsyurts


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