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Newport Skatepark to be Renovated

Significant improvements to the skatepark at Sam Moore Parkway should be complete by the end of the year.

Rogue Brewery will fund the Phase II improvements to the skatepark. The estimated cost of this phase is $45,000, and would include replacing approximately 1,500 square feet of pavers and other surfaces with concrete, a pool block extension, mini ramp, pocket behind the small bowl, street features, “doorway” and entrance, and a manual pad.

This will address the significant concerns of deteriorated brick pavers and other features located in the yellow highlighted area on the aerial photo.

Over the last year and-a-half, Rogue Brewery has been conducting a fundraiser for the skatepark. Rogue intends to pay for the improvements directly, with the city receiving the benefit of the work that would be part of this project for the facility. Dreamland Skateparks plans to start this project by the middle of the month, with the work being completed by November 1.

Significant repairs and renovations were completed last year on Newport’s skatepark. This was done, in part, with volunteer efforts and with funding appropriated by the city for Phase 1 improvements. Last year, the city contracted with Dreamland Skateparks to complete the various renovations.

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