The following tips are found in the Emergency Management calendar which can be downloaded at www.lincolncountysheriff.netor by going to the Emergency Management page.
Plan for pets
•Take animals with you if you need to evacuate. Only as a last resort should animals be left behind.
•Many emergency shelters cannot accept animals. Before disaster strikes, find out which hotels/shelters allow animals.
•If you have to leave your animals at home, keep them inside a secure area. Leave at least a 10-day supply of dry food and water. Put signs on windows and doors indicating the number and type of animals inside and your contact information.
•Keep your pets’ vaccinations and ID tags up to date.
•Be sure ID tags are on collars and consider a microchip.
•Prepare a pet emergency kit with leashes, collars, portable carriers, water, food, medications, sanitation materials, immunization records, first-aid kit, and photos to prove ownership.
•Don’t leave pets in vehicles, tethered, or crated without you.Your pet’s behavior may change after a crisis, becoming more aggressive or self-protective.
Plan for Livestock
•Post emergency contact numbers on barn and/or pasture fence.Write your phone number on your stock with a permanent marker if you have to release them.
•Have a supply of feed at a separate location.Involve family and neighbors in an evacuation plan.
•Make a kit with leads, halters, first aid, quieting hoods, water, photos and a copy of your ownership papers.
For more information and tips, visit our website at www.lincolncountysheriff.net and like us on Facebook at Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office – Oregon.