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County Graduation Rates Up

Lincoln County School District on-time graduation rates for all four county

high schools increased over the previous year and exceeded the state average, according to findings from the Oregon Department of Education’s At-A-Glance School and District Profiles released Thursday. The ODE report card for the 2022-23 school year shows Taft 7-12 had an 93% on-time graduation rate. Waldport High School showed an 88% graduation rate. Newport High School had an 85% graduation rate and Toledo High School increased the graduation rate to 84% making the district average 86%. The Oregon on-time graduation rate was 81%, the second-highest-ever graduation rate for the state.

LCSD Director of Secondary Education Aaron Belloni said one of the factors in the rise of on-time graduation rates is the work of each school’s 9th grade success team. “The team is tasked with monitoring all freshmen to keep them on track to graduate,” Belloni said. “Our high schools do a lot of small group and individual student work to improve graduates’ readiness for college and careers.” The success teams include principals, graduation coaches, teacher leaders, and others.

“I continue to be impressed by the hard work and dedication of all the staff and students in the Lincoln County School District,” Dr. Majalise Tolan, Superintendent of LCSD said. “Graduation doesn’t happen in high schools alone, rather it is a collection of years of learning crafted by educators throughout a child’s academic career.” The ODE produces yearly At-A-Glance School and District Profiles. They were designed by and for parents and community members to be an understandable and easy to read overview of how schools and districts serve their students.

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