Ready to enhance your gardening skills? Join the Lincoln County Master Gardeners to expand your horticulture knowledge, ranging from soil amendments and controlling those pesky critters, to pruning roses and making wreaths. At home gardeners, beginning farmers, and anyone who want to learn something new are all welcome to attend our Virtual Gardening Roundtable Series. By attending our Roundtable Series, inspiration can be found for a new project to work on while we are at home during these difficult times. All topics will be taught by OSU experts and local gardeners. The Gardening Roundtable topics include: Growing Dahlias, Slugs/Snails, Voles/Moles, Living Fences, Making Wreaths, Pruning Roses, Soil Amendments, Greenhouses, Growing Natives, Growing Tomatoes, Growing Rhodie’s, Adaptive Gardening, Straw Bale Gardening and Growing Garlic.
The first session is on September 9th so sign up now!
Via Zoom: On Wednesdays 10 - 11am
Visit www.orcoastmga.org for dates, details, and registration. You must register in order to receive the zoom link for each presentation.
These events are free and brought to you by OSU Lincoln County Extension Service and the Lincoln County Master Gardener Association.
For more information, you can contact Pami Monnette at pamela.monnette@oregonstate.edu