The 2018-19 Oregon School and District At-A-Glance Report Cards were released to the public this week. The goal for the Lincoln County School District remains the same to
use the report to help identify areas of strength and weakness to guide the district in continuous improvement.
Superintendent Dr. Karen Gray summarized that this annual report card issued by Oregon Department of Education offers a summary of student performance and growth in Lincoln County School District. Superintendent Dr. Karen Gray, who is now entering her 2 nd year as Superintendent in the District summarized her impressions of this last year’s results:
“Across Oregon, students and their attendance and academic achievement rates are being reported by the State for 2018-19 school year. Most school districts did not post increases in academic achievement or attendance and our district was no exception. What the report card tells us is that we have a long way to go.
By the numbers, our math standard achievement scores are very low across the district. Our English Language Arts performance is higher than our math performance by far and some of our schools demonstrated improvements in reading, which we celebrate. Our graduation rates are generally outstanding and in some schools, higher than state averages. I am very
proud of LCSD for our overall graduation rates. Our secondary principals have worked very hard to ensure that every student graduates college and career ready.
Our attendance rates for the 2018-19 school year were low. We consider anything that is below 90% of all students attending 90% of the time to be at a low level. That is because 90% of 90% is the rate for what is defined by Oregon as Regular Attenders. That is our goal.
When it comes to students with disabilities, students of color, and students whose first language is not English, our scores match the super sad state of affairs of most school districts in Oregon. Meaning, they are lower than their non-special education, non-students of color and non-second language peers. This is not acceptable.
The school district currently has K-12 goals and strategic plans to change this. We have an Attendance Campaign and a new Reading Adoption grades K-10. We are working towards a new Mathematics Adoption, first 7-12 and then K-6. Our professional development district-wide is top drawer and we are using data and evaluation in ways never before used in our district. We have to know where our kids are performing in order to learn how we must adjust our instruction to meet the needs of all kids.
LCSD is implementing Positive Behavior and Interventions and Supports or PBIS K-12 and this is helping our students to behave and thrive in our classrooms and schools. Our teachers are keenly aware of how our students are performing in classroom behavior, attendance, and academic achievement and are working hard every day to make a positive difference in the lives of our children. Principals are working tirelessly and in an effective/efficient direction so that they are leading our district towards more positive results for kids.
Our 2019-2020 Goals for the LCSD are posted on our web site. Please review the goals and their measures for this school year.”
Links to the Lincoln County School District At-A-Glance Report Cards are available to the public and are currently updated on the district website: https://lincoln.k12.or.us/our-district/report-cards/