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Wolverine Sighting In Newport

Wolverine sightings continued this year with confirmed reports in Nehalem, Netarts and Newport over the last week and a half! The most recent sighting was in Newport on Thursday, March 21. ODFW investigated and verified these sightings. Dispersing animals regularly travel through diverse landscapes while looking for a new home, but it doesn't mean we're going to have a wolverine population set up shop anytime soon.

ODFW and partner organizations work hard to maintain habitat connectivity so animals like this wolverine have a better chance of surviving dispersal or migrations. We do not have enough information to know if this individual is the same animal spotted in Canby earlier this year. Wolverine are rare and listed as threatened in Oregon. They are legally protected in Oregon and no hunting or trapping is allowed. If you see a wolverine, please report it to ODFW and share it with us on iNaturalist, an app/website that helps biologists track individual sightings of wildlife like wolverines.

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