Oregon DMV is changing office hours on Wednesdays by moving opening time from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. starting Oct. 16. Business hours for other days will remain unchanged. Most of Oregon’s 60 DMV offices open at 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays except Wednesdays.
A few small offices in less populated areas have shorter hours or are open on Thursdays only. DMV staff will continue to finish as many transactions as possible each day and ask customers to return another day if their ticket number is not called by 5:30 p.m.
DMV needs additional time Wednesday mornings for staff training and other work. This weekly time slot is vital to keep staff informed of changes to policies and procedures, back-office work, and training for the new computer system going live next July.
The goal is to ensure success of the second part of DMV’s computer system upgrade and serve customers more efficiently in the future. DMV completed installation of a new vehicle title and registration system in January and is on course to finish the driver licensing portion by July 2020.
Any time you need to visit DMV, please first check www.OregonDMV.com to find business hours, locations and wait times for most offices, and to make sure you have everything you need before your visit. You also can do some DMV business from home at OregonDMV.com.