A message from Lincoln County School District

Trevor Brittsan, Manager of the Newport branch of First Interstate Bank, presented a check for $2,409 to the Lincoln County School District to purchase Lockdown Blackout Shades for Sam Case and Yaquina View Elementary Schools in Newport. The principal of Sam Case, Shelley Moore, and principal of Yaquina View, Kristin Becker, met Mr. Brittsan at Sam Case to receive the check and to show Mr. Brittsan one of the classrooms in need of a lockdown shade.
Lockdown Blackout Shades are needed for our interior classroom door windows for when there is an imminent threat of danger at our schools and we need to quickly lockdown each classroom. The goal in a lockdown is to immediately deny access and make classrooms look and sound unoccupied. With lockdown shades that are installed and simple to use, teachers will be able to conceal and secure their students more completely and quickly during critical incidents.
The Lockdown Blackout Shades are custom made to fit the various sizes of our interior classroom door windows. They are fire retardant and easy to deploy. They stay in the up (open) position except during a Code Red Lockdown. Our school district Facilities & Maintenance team does the installation.
We do Code Red Lockdown drills in all of our schools three times each year. To learn more about our school lockdown drills, watch our short lockdown video at this link: https://vimeo.com/168858158. Visit the Safety & Emergency Preparedness section of our website to learn about our other safety drills and protocols: https://lincoln.k12.or.us/resources/family/safety/.
We are grateful for First Interstate Bank’s continued partnership and investments in the safety and security of our schools. For the past three years, they have also contributed to funding our Newport School Resource Officer.
We are also thankful for other local partners in school safety, such as Mo’s Restaurant. Earlier this school year, Mo’s Restaurant in Lincoln City generously donated these same Lockdown Shades for all of our Lincoln City Schools. We recently applied for a grant from the Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund (STCCF) for lockdown shades for our remaining schools, and will find out in July if they approve our request. The STCCF has kindly supported many of our safety and security projects over the years.