338235486888240 486377435793741. Adopt A Beach Program Launched 486377435793741.
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Adopt A Beach Program Launched

SOLVE, in partnership with Oregon State Parks, has launched a new Oregon Adopt-A-Beach program on the Oregon coast to support ongoing beach cleanups throughout the year. SOLVE is currently seeking groups or individuals who would like to adopt their favorite stretch of beach and serve as volunteer caretaker of it.

Adopt-A-Beach allows for community members to step up and take care of an area that is special to them. The Adopt-A-Beach program is an effort to keep beaches clean of litter and marine debris, which threatens coastal communities year-round. Every volunteer cleanup, no matter how big or small, makes a difference. Adopting a beach is simple! Program participants choose their favorite beach, clean their adopted stretch at least three times a year for at least two years, and report their results back to SOLVE.

SOLVE support includes free cleanup supplies, a leader handbook, ongoing project guidance, and disposal assistance. All participants will receive a certificate of adoption and recognition on the SOLVE website. Individuals or groups interested in adopting a beach or volunteering at a scheduled beach cleanup, can contact SOLVE’s Program Coordinator, Jon Schmidt at jon@solveoregon.org, call him at 971-346-2703 or visit solveoregon.org/oregon-adopt-beach.

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