On Saturday morning, October 8, 2022, Tillamook County Sheriff Corporal Chris Barnett responded to assist OSP Trooper Tom Mayne with a traffic stop near the Beaver Shell station, with a person that had several outstanding warrants. Convicted felon 24-year old Michael Boisa, of Hebo, had warrants for Violating his Release agreement for Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine out of Tillamook County, and a Fail to Appear (FTA) warrant for Driving While Suspended-Misdemeanor out of Polk County, when he was contacted by Trooper Mayne. During this contact, Cpl Barnett observed a .22 caliber Ruger that is illegal for Boisa to possess and was discovered to be stolen out of Hood River.
Cpl Barnett also located in Boisa's possession were a Tillamook County Sheriff's patch, methamphetamine and scales. In addition to the warrants, Boisa was arrested for Theft 1, Unlawful Possession of restricted Weapon, and Felon in Possession of a Firearm, and also cited for several violations related to his driving with a suspended license, no insurance, and for having switched plates on the car. The case will be forwarded to the Tillamook County District Attorney's Office for prosecution consideration. Boisa was taken into custody and lodged at the Tillamook County Jail.
