On February 2nd at approximately 8:55 pm State Police Trooper Wertz assisted Newport Police Officer Lekas to locate an intoxicated male in the parking lot of the Little Creek Apartments. A complainant reported the man had driven to the apartments and appeared intoxicated. Trooper Wertz located the described vehicle, a red Dodge truck and found the man, later identified as 32-year old Brendan M. Ward was seated inside with the truck running.
Upon contact with Mr. Ward he appeared extremely intoxicated and smelled strongly of alcohol, then reportedly admitted he drove to the location and stated he had no alcohol to drink since leaving his residence in central Newport. Ward consented to and performed poorly on Safety Field Sobriety Test's. Ward was taken into custody and transported to Lincoln County Jail where he consented to a breath test, rendering a result of .31 Blood Alcohol Content, nearly four times the legal limit. Ward was cited and released for DUII - Alcohol.
