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Free Naloxone Kits And Education Program

Lincoln County Health & Human Services, the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, and Springfield Treatment Center are partnering with the non-profit Max's Mission to provide free Naloxone kits and more importantly free education on opioid overdose. Wednesday September 25th from 11am - 2pm and the Hee Hee Ilahee Park in Siletz.Thursday September 26th from 6pm - 8pm at the Center for Health Education in Newport.  (Flyers attached).

Part of the education is also to share that overdose can happen to anyone!  It's not just a problem that IV drug users face.  People prescribed painkillers can forget how much they have taken and take another dose that can be lethal!  It's really an issue that all in our community could benefit from knowing more about.

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