338235486888240 486377435793741. Halibut Sportfishing Openings Increase 486377435793741.
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Halibut Sportfishing Openings Increase

ODFW is changing the Central Oregon Coast Subarea (Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain) summer all-depth Pacific halibut season open dates to increase angling opportunities.

The summer season which begins Aug. 5 will now be open every Thursday through Saturday (instead of every other Thursday through Saturday) until the quota is met or Oct. 31.

“Weather hasn’t been cooperative so far this year with winds seeming to pick up Wednesday evenings or Thursday mornings and beginning to subside Saturday nights during weeks with all-depth openings. This has hampered Pacific halibut effort and catch and plenty of quota for this area remains,” said Lynn Mattes, Recreational Groundfish and Halibut Project Leader.

The nearshore season in the Central Oregon Coast Subarea and Southern Oregon Subarea season remain unchanged.

For a map of the subareas, click here.

Pacific halibut regulations:

  • Pacific halibut anglers must have a descending device onboard the vessel and use it to release any rockfish species when fishing 30 fathoms or deeper.

  • Anglers can keep one Pacific halibut daily, six per year.

  • The Stonewall Bank Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Area (YRCA) located in the Central Coast Subarea is closed to Pacific halibut fishing.

  • Anglers on vessels possessing Pacific halibut or bottomfish are prohibited from fishing in the Stonewall Bank YRCA even when targeting legal species (salmon and tuna).

*New regulations this year:

  • During May, September and October:

    • Bottomfish may be combined with all-depth Pacific halibut on days open to all-depth halibut.

    • Longleader gear fishing cannot be combined with all-depth halibut fishing.

  • During June, July and August:

    • Only sablefish, Pacific cod and other flatfish species (no other bottomfish species) can be combined with all-depth halibut except for longleader fishing as noted below.

    • The trip can be combined with offshore longleader fishing provided:

      • Longleader fishing must take place outside of 40 fathoms

      • Once rockfish are on board, no further halibut fishing is allowed.

See Pacific halibut sport regulations for more information.

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