Olalla Center staff seek volunteers and students for the center’s Relief Nursery and Therapeutic Classroom. The Relief Nursery and Therapeutic Classroom serve Lincoln County children up to 5 years old (3 to 5 years old in the classroom) with unstable backgrounds due to trauma, domestic violence, language/cultural barriers, poverty, and/or living conditions. Children enrolled will benefit from a nurturing, culturally and developmentally - appropriate learning environment from 9 am to 12 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Activities offered are age-appropriate and supportive of each child’s needs.
Access to Olalla Center’s outreach services (Oregon Health Plan, emergency rental assistance) and an emergency closet (clothing, hygiene products, diapers,
cleaning and medical supplies) is included. For a spot in the nursery or classroom, children and families will undergo an assessment to determine: Risk factors; developmental, cognitive and behavior issues; trauma history; and environmental factors. Those of highest need will be prioritized. Families will receive home visits, parent education, therapy (if needed), case management, and crisis intervention.
Volunteers for these programs are sought. Duties include reading to children, leading creative
activities, and providing extra hands where needed in the nursery and classroom. A background check and interview will be offered to those interested in making a difference in a child’s life. For more information, call (541) 336-2254 for enrollment, 541-272-4623 for volunteers, or email Reliefnursery@olallacenter.org.
