From Dr. Karen Gray to Lincoln County SD Families, Community, Staff, and Friends:

First off, I hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe and healthy. I pray for my community each and every day. This message will cover two topics: 1) Changes to the RSSL and district dates for when students return to in-person instruction and 2) Internet Access and Safety. On Friday, Oct 30, 2020, Oregon Governor Kate Brown and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) released revisions to the metrics districts must meet to return to in-person learning. These revisions mean eligible districts will be able to provide hybrid in-person education, including LCSD. Because Lincoln County has maintained such relatively low cases of COVID-19, we are now eligible to return ALL students K-12 to school in person under the in-person instruction Hybrid model.
The changes to the metrics include:
State test positivity rates are no longer a factor for school districts.
K-12 students can return for hybrid in-person instruction if:
The county case rate is ≤50/100,000 residents over the last 14 days (not three weeks as it used to be).
The county test positivity rate is less than 5% over the last 14 days (not 3 weeks).
Under these new metrics, Lincoln County schools would be eligible to transition to full K-12 Hybrid education. As a refresher, in a Hybrid model, students attend school in-person full time for two days per week in half-sized cohorts, either Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday. For now, Wednesdays continue to be not in person for any student. The remaining two days that students are not in person, they will receive instruction online.
When students are called to return to school under Hybrid, the Comprehensive Distance Learning model for that grade is no longer available. We will be supporting our teachers in providing high-quality hybrid instruction, and the comprehensive distance learning model will come to an end. Teachers cannot be asked to teach under two different instructional models at the same time. It is simply not possible, and the state requires in-person instruction if the district is eligible with our metrics.
Students who are under isolation or quarantine orders will still be able to access instruction through the Hybrid Model. The same is true for individuals at high risk who have documentation from a medical provider re: the condition that prevents them from attending in person. This will happen through a combination of synchronous instruction with peers to the extent possible, and asynchronously via Google suite (Google classroom, Seesaw, Gmail, etc.).
If parents do not wish to return their child or children to school in the in-person Hybrid model, they can move to our fully online program, Edmentum. Parents need to let the school know of any such decision ASAP so that a smooth transition can take place.
We have reached our 3% Cap on online charter schools so please sign up for LCSD’s Edmentum if you desire a fully online program.
For ALL students, any changes to the student’s current instructional model for Term 2 must be decided by Thursday, Nov. 19th. Please notify your child’s building administrator to start this schedule change process. As we review the updated protocols for in-person instruction, we know there is much to consider before transitioning into a Hybrid learning model for all students. We need to evaluate our planned cohorts to ensure class sizes that can accommodate the required social distancing in our schools. Our Blueprint for Reopening guidance documents (on our website) must be followed and implemented per the new RSSL updated guidance. We are staggering the return of students in order to ensure a careful and systematic approach. Student and staff safety is essential to us, and we want to do this as carefully as we can and still have our kids back in school successfully.
Dates for Return are as follows:
Grades 2-3 return on Nov 9
Grades 4-5 return on Nov 23
Grades 6,7,9 return on Nov 30
Grades 8, 10-12 return on Dec 7
***Almost without exception, CDL will no longer be an option after Dec 18 (the last day before winter break). If you have medical documentation re: a high-risk medical condition, please communicate with your building administrator as soon as possible in order to plan for this transition.
All parents need to make sure that they have updated their schools with their children’s most up to date medical information. Also, parents need to update their schools with the most up to date contact information for each of their children.
We are very explicitly watching for these primary COVID-19 symptoms every day at school: Cough, fever (temperature of 100.4°F or higher) or chills, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or new loss of taste or smell. If your child has any of these symptoms (unrelated to a chronic condition) you will need to come to get your child right away. Please keep your child home if they have any signs of an infectious disease.
Thank you all very much for your patience and understanding. It has been a tough road for everyone, and I think we are getting set for a positive move forward this school year. Please continue reading for the district’s Tech Safety message.
Karen Gray