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Lorna Davis To Lead Port Of Toledo

After 16-years at the helm of the Port of Toledo Bud Shoemake announced he is retiring and the Port of Toledo Board of Commissioners selected Lorna Davis as their next Port manager. Back in July Bud gave his board a 6-month notice. He said he is looking forward retiring. "I want to travel and spend some time with family." Shoemake said he has really enjoyed his time at the port of Toledo and all of the accomplishments over the years. During his time he has watched the Port grow from having 3 employees to having 36 employees and 50 volunteers.

Shoemake said he is proud of the growth of the Port with the expansion of the boatyard, the re-building of the docks, adding the transient dock, and the family boat building. He said Davis is working part time right now, so she can get up to speed with the updates to the Port's business plan. The focus is on the industrial park, marina and the welding lab. Shoemake said he will still be involved in the community. "I have had a supportive board and a great staff to work with" Shoemake added. He said he is happy that the board chose Lorna "she comes in with a great deal of respect from the local community."

Davis said she was excited when she saw the job opening and was happy to work in Toledo where she is from. "It is an incredible opportunity to build on the successes of Bud, the incredible team there and the Port commission from the last decade." She added she is looking forward to working with the staff and the port commission and with Bud during his last month before retirement. The other thing Davis said she is looking forward to is continuing with the relationships and partnerships within the community. She will start full time January 1st and will work with Shoemake until his last day February 1.

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