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Mass Covid-19 Testing Offered

Lincoln County Public Health announced 28 new cases of COVID-19 Friday and Saturday. This brings the current count to 198 cases. It is important to understand that this virus is in the community. It is vitally important to stay home as much as possible, physically distance, wear a face covering to protect others when unable to physically distance, and wash hands and sanitize surfaces frequently.

There are three situations where you must quarantine for 14 days.

The three situations where people need to self-isolate and quarantine are:

1. Confirmed COVID-19 test – quarantine for 14 days from date of test

2. Close contact of positive case (within 6 feet for over 15 minutes) – quarantine from date aware of being a close contact – even if a subsequent test comes back negative.

3. Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19. These symptoms include cough, chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pain, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new loss of sense of taste or smell.

We ask that workplaces support employees who are required to quarantine and not ask them to go to work in these situations. Supports are in place for people who must isolate, and we will be reaching out to all known close contacts and confirmed cases.

The Lincoln County Public Health Department is offering drive-through testing for close contacts of people who tested positive for COVID-19. People who have already been identified as needing a test have been texted instructions to make an appointment. Testing will be open to these identified people age 15 or older. Only those from the same household and that have an appointment can arrive in the same vehicle. Speakers of any language are also able to access this one-time testing event.

The program will involve the nasal swab test to detect active COVID-19 infections; it does not offer the antibody test. Public Health expects to be able to conduct up to 300 tests on the testing day. Participants should receive results 5 - 7 days after their test, although times may vary. These tests will be free.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have any of the following symptoms you need to call your primary care doctor or seek care immediately at urgent care or the emergency room instead of waiting for a community testing appointment:  Feel short of breath when trying to speak in full sentences or do simple activities  Coughing up blood  Blue lips/blue face  Severe and constant pain or pressure in the chest  Feeling dizzy, light-headed, too weak to stand  Slurring speech  Seizures  Feel urgent need to seek care

NO PETS - Please do not bring pets in your car to the testing site. Excited pets may bump their owner, potentially causing injury, or may perceive the medical staff as a threat. If you bring your pet, you will be turned away. If you need testing and are not part of the group currently eligible for this event, you have other free options. Doctor's orders and appointments are required. Call 541-265-4947 if you need further help.

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