During the Toledo City council meeting the council interviewed two candidates to fill Deanne Dunlaps unexpired term of two more years. There were two who applied Stu Strom and Susie Duncan. Stu has grown up in the city of Toledo, graduated from Toledo High and has been an active member of the community. He has served on the Toledo planning commission and has been a previous city councilor.
Susie is also a long time resident of Toledo and is also involved in community service. She doesn't have any political experience with being on any city committees. She is an addictions councilor and has worked for the Lincoln County School District. The council voted 3/2 to appoint Stu Strom to the council. He was sworn in at the end of the meeting.
The council also reviewed a letter from the District Attorney stating that after an investigation they saw no grounds to pursue any criminal charges against former finance director Polly Chavarria and former fire chief Will Ewing. The request for the investigation was made by the city attorney. In November Council member Bill Darby expressed disappointment in the city attorney David Robinson for filing the complaint with the DA.
He proposed to the council to put the contract for the interim city attorney up for bid as the contract with the current attorney expires at the end of the month. During discussion councilor Betty Kamikawa pointed out that in reading the minutes from when the firm was chosen there were no other applicants for the council to consider.
She said the council had no opportunities to interview anyone else, she added it was not an open process of recruitment. The council voted 3/2 to open up the process to hire a new temporary city attorney, they encouraged the current firm of Paul Osterlund to apply.