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Port Dock 7 Inspection

A thorough inspection by an outside engineering team is in the works for Port Dock 7 following a unanimous vote by the Port of Newport Commission at its monthly meeting. After sustaining considerable damage and the loss of roughly 66 feet of dock last winter, Port Dock 7 has been the subject of continued discussion by Port staff and commissioners. An expert appraisal of the degradation of the dock is necessary for multiple reasons, according to staff. “This dock has been around since the 1960s and it’s not in the best shape. If we go out for (grant) funds and we show the economic impact the fishing fleet has on this community, and if we can show the dock is falling apart, that will help our case to expedite this,” Port General Manager Paula Miranda said, referring to dock reconstruction.

Port Commissioners unanimously approved a proposal from engineering firm HDR Inc. for an amount not to exceed $15,000 for the dock assessment. “We should be able to get a really good idea of what the lifespan left in it is and what the numbers look like,” said Aaron Bretz, director of operations. Engineers are expected to take winter wind conditions, the sizes of moored boats, and other variables into consideration. “We are hoping this report will give us the opportunity in the interim to fix those areas that are urgent so we can continue using the dock, but we really don’t know,” Bretz noted. The structural assessment is expected to be complete by the end of October. Commissioners approved a grading contract for nine acres of property at the International Terminal and discussed several other matters without taking action, including the future of 343 Bay Boulevard, and a proposed expo building in South Beach.

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