Lincoln County Board of Commissioners this week discussed Short Term Rentals. Council Belmont gave the commissioners information on some proposed code amendments. Staff has been reviewing and discussing the options outlined in November and along with public comment received from the January workshops. However Belmont added that staff would need a couple more weeks to finalize recommendations.
County staff will provide the recommendations to the Board and the public to review before holding a second public workshop to present and address the specific recommendations. That is tentatively set for April 7, 2021. Additional public comment opportunities will be provided in April before the Board determines what changes they wish to see incorporated into the final code amendments that can be formally considered and adopted in late April or early May.
Commissioner Hunt noted that the first workshops were held to gather ideas and hope to have more of a concrete plan in place by the next public workshop scheduled for April. Commissioner Jacobson reminded that their decision affects ONLY the areas in unincorporated areas of the county and NOT within the cities. They county does not have the authority to regulate STR uses within the cities.