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Toledo Library Receives Donations For Improvements

Toledo Public Library announced that they are the recipient of an anonymous donation of the funds to purchase a ScanPro 2000 microfilm and microfiche reader/scanner. There is a wealth of historical information recorded on microfilm and microfiche. The Libraries old machine was a work horse for many, many years; however, the new machine not only offers access to the films but also updates the ways to handle and communicate that information for new applications and ease of access. The staff at the Toledo Library remind the community that they have copies on microfilm of the Lincoln Leader that morphed into the Newport News-Times beginning in 1893. Debra Trusty, library director said "We are very grateful to our anonymous donor for this significant upgrade that we can offer the community."

The Toledo Library also received a donation of $10,000 from Gordon and Katherine Keane of Portland. According to Trusty the gift will be used to assist in the upgrade in technology and equipment for our community meeting room. And we are grateful that you also provided for unanticipated challenges. We look forward to offering our small community state of the art technology. We anticipate meeting the needs of those who need access to presentations from remote locations, such as The Lincoln County Genealogical Society, the local RAIN program, and entrepreneurs who need robust meeting spaces for partners and employees located around the county, nation, or the world.

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