As Oregonians, we are faced with many potential natural disasters as our planet continues to feel the progressive effects of climate change. Most of us have witnessed the consequences of wildfires, flooding and even landslides but we know that more catastrophic events await us. As coastal residents, the Faultline of the Cascadia Subduction Zone Quake looms in our minds as well as the subsequent tsunami that will follow. Are you ready? You should be! Come to the Community Emergency Preparedness Fair.
Representatives from the Oregon State and Lincoln County Emergency Management agencies, Central Oregon Coast Fire & Rescue, Red Cross, and Signature HealthCARE will be present to answer your questions and provide handouts. The following demonstrations will be on- site:
• 72-Hour survival kits
• Wilderness survival techniques
• Water purification
• Food storage tips & samples
• Emergency kits for cars
• A tasting table with freeze-dried foods
Additional literature will be available with details to help in your own family and
neighborhood readiness. This public event will be held on Saturday, August 17,
from 11 am to 2 pm at the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, 1006 SW
Range Drive, Waldport. Free hot dogs, chips, and bottled water will be on site.
Bring a neighbor, bring a friend! Come to the Community Emergency
Preparedness Fair. GET READY!