On September 30, 2021, both chambers of Congress approved the continuing
resolution that will extend the American Rescue Plan Act's temporary WIC benefit increase. This increase of WIC's Cash Value Benefit (CVB) for vegetable and fruit purchases was set to expire September 30th. The benefit increase is extended until December 2021. Oregon WIC will be implementing the Cash Value Benefit (CVB) increase beginning October 1, 2021
until December 31, 2021. Lincoln County residents can find out if they are eligible for WIC by calling 541-265-4163 or emailing: lincolncountywic@co.lincoln.or.us
Benefit levels are re-set at 50% of recommended intake based on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) guidance. This results in cash benefit amounts of $24/month for children, $43/month for pregnant and postpartum participants, and $47/month for breastfeeding participants, to purchase fruits and vegetables. Without this action, WIC participants would have only received $9/month for children and $11/month for women. Lincoln County Public Health, in collaboration with our community partners, provides leadership to assure the conditions for healthy communities. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.