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Felony Robbery Suspect Arrested

On July 21st, 2024 a Loss Prevention Officer at McKay’s Market in Lincoln City observed a white male adult shoplifting non-food retail items from a display towards the front of their store. When he confronted the man, he was initially compliant but soon began running through the store with the stolen items. A store manager stood near the exit while waiting for police arrival. The suspect approached and threw the manager to the ground, raising the incident to a felony-level robbery. The suspect ran from the property and was not located that day.

On July 25th that same manager who had been thrown to the ground observed the suspect near the store and called police. Numerous officers responded and within two minutes of being dispatched had the man detained. Officers compared the man to the surveillance video of the crime and determined he was indeed the suspect who had stolen the items and thrown the manager to the ground.

Officers determined the suspect to be 45-year-old Donald Strangebird Littletree, an unsheltered man residing in Lincoln City. Police also learned Littletree was a Lincoln County Parole and Probation client out on release after a previous criminal conviction. Littletree was transported to the Lincoln County Jail and lodged on charges of Robbery III, Theft III, and Physical Harassment. He was subsequently released from the Lincoln County Jail a short time later.

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