338235486888240 486377435793741. Newport City Manager Recruitment 486377435793741.
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Newport City Manager Recruitment

The City Manager of the city of Newport has announced his intent to retire July 1, 2024. In preparation for his retirement, the City Council has hired Jensen Strategies to assist in recruiting candidates to fill the position of city manager. Jensen Strategies would like your input on what skills, experience, and other attributes you feel are important for Newport’s next city manager. As a valued member of the greater Newport Community, your opinion will provide an important perspective for the development of the position profile and the recruitment materials for this job.

There are two ways in which the public can participate in this process which include completing a survey that will be compiled by Jensen Strategies (see link below):

https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NewportCommunityInput In addition, Jensen Strategies will be holding a virtual meeting to receive comments from community members on City Manager attributes and expertise on Tuesday December 12, 2023 from 6-7pm. Please see the attached meeting graphic for further details of how to join this meeting.

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