This notice is being sent to individuals that participated in the City of Newport’s recent effort to update its short-term rental ordinance. One of the resulting recommendations was for the City to establish a 24/7 hotline that persons can use to pass along concerns they have with how a short-term rental is being operated. The City, in partnership with the third-party vendor LODGINGRevs, has established a hotline number and incident reporting form.
They are as follows: 24/7 Short-term Rental Hotline Number: 800-207-9727. Online incident reporting form: https://lodging.munirevs.com/complaint/?cityid=572. Both the hotline number and form are available on the City of Newport website. Short-term rental operators are required to post signs on their properties advertising the hotline number. The signs, an image of which is included below, are to be installed no later than November 8, 2019.
Information submitted through the 24/7 hotline or online incident reporting form will be forwarded to the short-term rental operator’s manager for a response, and will be reviewed by a City of Newport Community Service Officer to determine if a code violation has occurred. All of the information will be stored in a centralized database. If you have questions, or would like to know more about how an incident you have called in or reported online is being handled, please contact Community Service Officer Jim Folmar at j.folmar@newportpolice.net. Jim can also be reached at 541.265.4854.