The Oregon Coast Aquarium has received the largest grant in its history, in the amount of $5 million, courtesy of the Roundhouse Foundation. The generosity of the Roundhouse Foundation will allow us to explore new opportunities to support the Oregon coast and its wildlife and communities. The Roundhouse Foundation is located in Sisters, Oregon, and supports solutions to the challenges associated with rural culture and landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. Their primary areas of focus include arts and culture, environmental stewardship, and social services and education. The Roundhouse Foundation values opportunities that work at the intersections of these areas.
“Organizations like the Oregon Coast Aquarium that are centered in rural communities throughout Oregon are important drivers of our rural economies,” says Erin Borla, Executive Director of the Roundhouse Foundation. “They share local stories, highlight their unique history, ecology and watersheds, and most importantly provide economic resilience and strength in smaller communities.” The $5 million, which will be disbursed over a five-year period, will support the Aquarium’s capital campaign for remodel, renovation, and development. $1 million will go toward phase 1 of the campaign, which includes the development of a new Headwaters feature. The remaining $4 million will be used to develop a new Marine Rehabilitation Center.
Information and video provided by OCA