Winter weather brings sinkholes on the Oregon Coast as extra water combines with ancient slides to damage sections of U.S. 101. Local travelers between Newport and Otter Crest are familiar with spots in the road dropping several inches in a day. Crews begin the regular maintenance of repairing sinkholes and slide damage on U.S. 101 north of Newport between milepost 133 and 136.5 on Friday, Jan. 27.
Paving is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, weather permitting. Travelers should expect long delays during the work, between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. There are no alternate routes.
Projects to slow slide movement by improving drainage have been done and more are coming. These include one at Beverly Beach completed several years ago, one at Johnson Creek that is underway, and one planned for next year at Moolack. Maintenance and construction projects are part of ODOT’s commitment to providing a safe and reliable multimodal transportation system through meeting our strategic plan goals.