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Writer's pictureKiera Morgan

Toledo Girl Scouts Work On Tiny Gardens

Toledo Girl Scout Troop 10099 proposes to build tiny vegetable gardens throughout the City of Toledo. These gardens will be for the enjoyment of the surrounding neighborhoods. The purpose is to promote healthy, sustainable eating habits while teaching the neighborhood kids and others about growing vegetables and enjoying fresh produce year round. Any extra produce will be donated to the Toledo Food Pantry. All gardens will be approved by the City of Toledo and maintained by the Girl Scouts and the neighbors of the location.

They Girl Scout group will need the City of Toledo's support in providing water to the gardens during the dry periods. The project will begin in April of 2019 and will continue as long as the gardens are maintained. The Toledo Girl Scouts will supply the materials to start and maintain the gardens through donations from businesses, neighbors, family and friends. And will provide written information to the neighbors about the gardens and how to get involved. Please contact Betty Kamikawa, leader of Toledo Girl Scout Troop 10099, with any questions or concerns or to make a donation, blkamikawa@gmail.com.

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