Two popular coastal campgrounds will temporarily close this fall and winter for construction projects. Bullards Beach, two miles north of Bandon, and Beverly Beach, seven miles north of Newport, will close their campgrounds temporarily for construction projects. Oregon Parks and Recreation Department understands that it takes time to plan a trip and wanted to give potential visitors enough notice to find alternative parks for their fall and winter visits.
Beverly Beach campgrounds will be closed Sept. 5, 2023 through May 24, 2024 to upgrade the park and campground power and water lines as part of the Go Bond projects, which include improvements at 11 parks around the state.
Bullards Beach campgrounds will be closed Oct. 15, 2023 through March 15, 2024 for a main sewer line upgrade.
While the campgrounds will be closed at Bullards Beach, visitors can still enjoy the day-use area, boat ramp, lighthouse and horse camp, which will remain open. All facilities will be closed at Beverly Beach. Oregon Parks and Recreation knows that these campgrounds are well loved places that will be missed this fall and winter season. The closures will allow crews to improve the parks for seasons to come.
