Governor Brown announced that Lincoln County will be moving to the moderate risk level on Friday. This week was the third straight week of movement weeks for the state. Grant and Wasco counties join Lincoln in the move down to moderate risk while all other counties stay at their current level. The Governor also announced a plan to lift most restrictions by the end of June. The plan is simple – as soon as 70% of all Oregonians ages 16 and older have had at least 1 vaccination, most restrictions will be lifted.
Governor Brown also announced a new incentive for counties to get to, and remain, in the low-risk category. As of May 17th, any county that has had 65% of their eligible population (age 16+) receive a first dose vaccination will be able to move to low risk that Friday. In addition, there will be no threat of moving to a more restrictive risk level again. Counties will also be required to submit an equity plan to OHA. As of this morning, (5/11) Lincoln County has vaccinated 63% of the eligible population. This means we only need 793 more people vaccinated with their first dose to move permanently to low-risk. If this happens this week, the county will move on Friday, May 21st.
The state target of 70% will not get us to community (herd) immunity, so the state has set a target of 80% vaccinated by the end the summer. To do this, walk-in clinics are increasing throughout the state. Lincoln County has already made all clinics open to walk-ins, and pharmacies are working on plans for that as well. In addition, public health is increasing mobile pop-up clinics. Businesses, community groups, and agencies are encouraged to complete this survey to bring a clinic close to you - tinyurl.com/VaxUpLincolnOutreachClinics
This week’s clinics are listed on our website at https://www.co.lincoln.or.us/hhs/page/covid-19-vaccination-clinics. Lincoln County is very close to moving to the low-risk category - help us get there by getting vaccinated this week.
